
Nasra Nimaga | Brooklyn, NY
Ode to the American Hijabi
Digital photography (2019)

This piece envisions a world where othering is replaced by inclusivity. Part of a series celebrating Muslim women living in the west, it salutes the hijab as a symbol of faith and celebrates the woman that chooses to wear it. It sends a message to be brave, be bold, and be you.

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Nasra Nimaga

Nasra Nimaga (born Hong Kong), from Nairobi, Kenya, is a NY based architectural designer and Portrait Photographer. Her architectural experience includes primary and secondary education, higher Education, culture, civic work, large scale and mixed use projects in the United States and abroad.

Architecture is her team sport, portrait photography is her individual experience and art of expression that affords her the opportunity to combine nuances of the human experience with a sense of space. Like architecture, Nasra sees photography as something that can inspire change by telling stories. Her work challenges widely accepted definitions and perceptions of beauty and identity.

When Nasra is not working, she enjoys spending time with family, listening to podcasts, reading and traveling.
