Educational Resources

Creating: Conceiving and developing new artistic ideas and work. 

Responding: Understanding and evaluating how the arts convey meaning. 

Connecting: Relating artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context. 

Create a work of art about what freedom or liberation means to you. After you’ve finished, share your piece with the rest of the class. What do the images and/or words represent to you? What is the message you would like people to get from this artwork?

Which piece of art stood out to you in this section? What did you notice about it? Why was it meaningful to you? 

What does liberation mean to you? Is it the same as freedom? When is a time that you felt free? Can you think of any movements for liberation that are happening today? 

Create a work of art about power. What is your superpower? What would you do with this power? After you’ve finished, share your piece with the rest of the class. What do the images and/or words represent to you? What is the message you would like people to get from this artwork?

Which piece of art stood out to you in this section? What did you notice about it? Why was it meaningful to you? 

When was a time that you felt powerful? What made you feel this way? Think about what institutions or individuals hold power in your community. What do they do with their power? What are some ways that you can build power personally or in your community?

Create a work of art about belonging. What does it look, sound or feel like to belong? After you’ve finished, share your piece with the rest of the class. What do the images and/or words represent to you? What is the message you would like people to get from this artwork?

Which piece of art stood out to you in this section? What did you notice about it? Why was it meaningful to you? 

When is a time (or place) when you have felt like you belong? What made you feel that way? Have you ever felt like you don’t belong somewhere? What made you feel that way? Do you think there are barriers in American society today that make people feel like they don’t belong? If so, what kind? How can we change them so all people feel like they belong? 

Imagine that you live in the future. It could be ten years from now or 1000 years from now.  Create a work of art that shows what life is like in this future. After you’ve finished, share your piece with the rest of the class. What do the images and/or words represent to you? What is the message you would like people to get from this artwork?

Which piece of art stood out to you in this section? What did you notice about it? Why was it meaningful to you? 

What does justice mean to you? What does a just future in America look like to you? What are some of the obstacles or barriers that you see to achieving this just future? Do you have any ideas about how we can overcome those obstacles? Why do you think it’s important to use your imagination to create a just future?

Thank you to Mafaz Al-Suwaidan, Dr. Hussein Rashid, Dr. Celene Ibrahim and Dr. Danielle Widmann Abraham for their advice on this exhibit.


Calling all Educators!

We hope to build out additional resources with your support and feedback.